The Derringer, light revolver and shorty are simple ranged weapons, all others are martial ranged weapons.

Firearms Cost Damage Range Weight Properties
Derringer 10 gp 1d6 piercing 15/30 1 lb. ammunition, light, loading 1, point blank
Revolver, Light 15 gp 1d6 piercing 30/90 2 lb. ammunition, light, loading 6
Revolver, Heavy 25 gp 1d8 piercing 40/120 3 lb. ammunition, heavy, loading 6
Shotgun 50 gp 1d10 piercing 60/120 8 lb. ammunition, heavy, loading 1, two-handed, shells
Shorty 50 gp 1d10 piercing 15/30 4 lb. ammunition, loading 1, two-handed if small, shells, point blank
Coach Gun 80 gp 1d8/2d8 piercing 60/120 12 lb. ammunition, heavy, loading 2, two-handed, shells, double barrelled
Short King 80 gp 1d8/2d8 piercing 15/30 8 lb. ammunition, loading 2, two-handed if small, shells, double barrelled, point blank
Sharpshooter Rifle 100 gp 1d12 piercing 150/600 10 lb. ammunition, heavy, loading 1, two-handed, crit 19-20
Repeating Rifle 75 gp 1d10 piercing 100/400 9 lb. ammunition, heavy, loading 8, two-handed

A note on Loading & Reloading

This supplement uses some of the Critical Role rules for loading and reloading firearms but we consider these optional rules. If your table doesn’t like keeping track of ammunition or reloading then don’t bother. If your table loves simulationist inventory management then have at it. If you like the Critical Role misfire rules for firearms then add them back in. Just talk to your table and work it out.

The Halfway House

cy_borg, by Christian Sahlén and Johan Nohr, approaches ammo in an interesting way:

After combat, roll d8 for each weapon you have fired or d6 if you’ve used autofire. A result of 1-3 indicates your mag is empty and has to be replaced. Regular ammo costs 10% of a new weapon’s price. […]

Adapting this to 5e is as simple as swapping if you’ve used autofire” to if you have the extra attack feature” and renaming mags to something more thematic. Though if you use this rule I’d recommend skipping on loading and reloading.


Point Blank

Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.

Double Barrelled

You may fire both barrels at a -5 penalty, if you hit you do 2d8 damage and the target must make a strength saving throw to avoid being pushed back 5ft and fall prone.

Two-handed if Small

Small creatures can only use this weapon two handed or else they gain disadvantage on attacks.


This weapon can fire shells which come in a wide variety.

Slug 6 for 1gp - Short and long range increases by 30ft.

Saltshot 6 for 1gp - Less-lethal against most creatures (creatures reduced to 0 hit points by attacks using this ammunition make death saving throws), ignores damage immunities and resistances for incorporeal beings. Many fey are vulnerable to salt.

Alchemist’s Fire 6 for 120gp - Deals fire damage, on a hit the target catches fire and takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using it’s action to make a DC10 dexterity check to put out the flames.

Scattershot 6 for 6gp - Fires in 30ft cone, DC14 Dex Save or 1d6 piercing damage.

Chainshot 6 for 600gp - Disadvantage on attacks, on a hit Medium and large targets becomes restrained. The creature can use it’s action to make a DC15 strength or dexterity check to escape. Chainshot XL costs 300gp for 1 shell, it works on huge creatures and the DC increases to 20.

June 18, 2023

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